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Reading a Book in Balcony

Exciting new books that Sarah Rosmond is currently working on

Some exciting new genres to be added to Sarah's list of books, including more steamy romance novels, messed up fairy tales and of course stories of survival and strength.

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The Hathaway House Whistle Blower

Out later this year




The story you are about to read is a hard one to get your head around, but as hard as it may be to believe, I want you to know that it is my truth, my memories, and my own experiences but I know that there are many other survivors out there, too scared to speak out themselves. They were silenced due to the horrors and the torture that we all faced at the hands of those who were meant to protect us. I was once silenced, muted and unable to talk about the horrific events that took place during my childhood, but I am here now, ready to speak out in a hope that more survivors will come forward and tell their own stories.


Hundreds of thousands of children go missing off our streets every year but do we hear about it? No, we don’t, their disappearances are covered up, brushed under the carpet, and forgotten about and have you ever wondered why?


I am about to blow the whistle on the best kept secret for centuries, a secret that has haunted me personally for years. A secret of Satanic ritualistic abuse and how the elite protectors of our communities were heavily involved in the torture and murder of our children.


The Hathaway House Whistle Blower is a fiction book with elements of truth in it. The book is the prequel to Silent Hope and will be available to read early 2025.


Release date to be announced. 



Out later this year


Siobhan Everdeen is getting on with her life after years of captivity, and as much as she seems to be handling life on the outside, is all really as calm as it seems? Siobhan starts suffering from paranoia and to make matters worst Anoushka has been spotted locally which sends Siobhan into a complete spin, especially when she realises the woman has spoken to her daughter. Siobhan knows she will lose her Hope if she allows herself to lose her mind.


Finding Hope is the squeal to Silent Hope and Available later this year.


The Curse of the Glass Slipper

Out later this year


It was the end of the cycle; the beginning of a new one. Charles sat on the edge of his mother’s bed. The stale smell of sickness clung to the bunched covers that outlined his mother’s dying body. Her eyes opened and with them, she exhaled a thin rattling breath.

“Take them.”

Charles shook his head.

“Take them, you must.”

He reached out and grabbed his mother’s hand. She pulled it away.

“You know what will happen if you don’t take them. If you don’t pass them on.”

He did know. He thought of the dark door down in the depths of the castle. He thought of the creatures waiting patiently through the generations, but to condemn another woman to his mother’s fate. He didn’t know if he could do that. He saw how the madness had crept up into her, how it had eaten away at her mind and body and how frail she looked after a night of changing.

“It is your duty, my son. It is the duty of our royal blood to hold the spell in place.”

“I can’t mother. How could I do to another what father did to you?”

There was a hint of anger in her voice. “Your father did what he had to do. He knew his responsibilities.”

“Then why isn’t he here by your bedside now?”

“Because I sent him away. I didn’t want him to see the end. But you need to see it.”


“Because you must understand the power at work here.”

“I don’t want this. Any of it.”

“You must.”

The queen coughed for several long minutes. For a moment Charles thought she wouldn’t recover, that all the breath let in her would depart and he would never hear his mother speak again. Then she stopped grasping for air and took in several slow, ragged breaths.

“Pick someone you don’t love.”

Charles looked into his mother’s face, her skin was all grey and withered. How had the disease progressed so quickly? Only a month earlier his mother had looked decades younger. Now, only a husk remained.

“Is that what father did?”

She shook her head. “No, you’re father was a fool that way. He loved me. It made it so much harder.”

“Did you love him?”

“Once, long ago. Long before I had changed that one too many times, before I knew the true weight of the glass slippers.”

“There has to be a way to break the cycle. To put an end to all of this, it must be done.”



The Curse of the Glass Slipper is a twisted fairy tale novel, adapted from the classic tale of Cinderella. This will be the first of Sarah's fantasy books and will be available to read late 2024.


Release date to be announced. 

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